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The questionnaire

Quel Designer is an interactive questionnaire created by Designers+, a network of professionals, with the goal of providing designers with a profile of their skills.


Designers+ is a network for designers and other associated industry professionals founded in Saint-Etienne in 2007 with the goal of structuring and professionalizing the design sector in the Rhône-Alpes/Auvergne region.

Who is this questionnaire for?

The questionnaire was created for designers of all stripes, whatever their specialty. If you have any suggestions to help us improve the questionnaire, please do send them our way.


Each designer’s individual answers are confidential. You can view your answers at any time via a private portal. You can use your account to retake the questionnaire as many times as you want and to keep a history of your answers in order to track your progression over several years.

Contact us

If you have a question or a remark, or if you notice an error or a glitch,
you can write to us.


The questions were established by a group of designers under the direction of Brigitte Borja de Mozota, researcher in management science and design management, and Gisèle Rivière Terrolle, management consultant.

The designers:
Nadine Cahen
Jacques Bois
Philippe Moine
Laetitia Le Maner
Thomas Rosset
Jean-Philippe Cabaroc
Guillaume Granjon
Benoit Laroche Le Nagat


Project management: Marion Laïch (Designers+)
Design : Cabaroc, Obleu
Development : PixelsMill
Illustration : Cabaroc
Communication : Obleu, Sarah Henini

Quel(le) designer is funded as part of the codesign initiative by the Rhône-Alpes region and the city of Saint-Etienne.


Designers’ skills

• Magic square as seen by SISMO
FEDI reference document
ANTIC reference document
2014 DGSIS Ministry reference document
• Brigitte Borja de Mozota PowerPoint presentation / Designers’ skills

The value of design

- Publications

• Philippe Picaud et al., Design Impact. “When Design Creates Value For The Company.” Cité du Design. Mission Design France, 2015
• Brigitte Borja de Mozota, Design Management, Organisation, 2002 (reprint 2015)
• Tiphaine Igigabel & Emmanuel Thouan, The 7 Keys To Small-Business Growth, Or How Design Can Serve The Company, DICI Design, 2011
• Bruce Hannington & Bella Martin, 100 Design Methods, Eyrolles, 2013
• Fabrice Peltier, Design for Dummies, First, 2013
• Nicolas Minvielle, Design in Companies, De Boeck, 2011

- Websites

DGE Portal
• French Alliance of Designers: tool to calculate the costs of design www.calkulator.com
Le lieu du design www.lelieududesign.com
• DME award www.designmanagementexcellence.com

Contact us

If you have any question or remark, please use the contact form below.

My profile

To receive an email with a link allowing you to view your personal results, enter below the email address you used during the questionnaire.

The results

Warning! If you choose to view the results now,
you will interrupt the questionnaire in progress.



View the results without taking the questionnaire.


Discover the results by answering the questionnaire.


Results collected
from 2851 participants


You are?



Ok Next >

How long have you
been practicing your job?

0 to 3 years 4 to 7 8 to 11 12 to 25 16 to 19 20 years and +
Ok Next >

What are you areas of work?

Select 3 main areas

Ok Next >

Who are your clients?

Your areas of motivation, your interests

Ok Next >

What type of clients do you have?

Select 3 main types in order of importance

Ok Next >

Do you practice a foreign language
in your line of work?

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always
Ok Next >

Which languages?

Ok Next >

What methods do you regularly use?

Ok Next >

Do you do oral presentations of your work?

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always
Ok Next >

Using which tools?

Ok Next >

How do you solicit potential clients?

Ok Next >

Do you conduct strategic monitoring?

Monitoring consists of collecting strategic information in order to anticipate developments and innovations (books, magazines, social media...)

Never Sometimes Often Very often Everyday
Ok Next >

Using which tools?

Ok Next >

Where does your consulting work apply?

Assess the importance of each task in your work.

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Ok Next >

Where does your managing work apply?

Assess the importance of each task in your work

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Ok Next >

Where does your creative work apply?

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Ok Next >

Where does your technical work apply?

Prep building 70% 70%

Technology engineering 70% 70%

Integration / IT development 70% 70%

Choice of materials 70% 70%

Prototyping / Model 70% 70%

Ok Next >

Where does your follow-up work apply?

Seeking suppliers/providers 70% 70%

Connecting with the company’s technical departments 70% 70%

Quality control 70% 70%

Checking the compliance with the original pitch/specifications 70% 70%

Ok Next >

How do you evaluate
a project’s success after delivery?

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

  • Company with less than 10 employees
  • Company with 10 to 250 employees
  • Company with 250 to 5000 employees
  • Company with over 5000 employees
  • A group of companies
